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Stimulus Bill - Republican Job Creation v. Democrat's Wasteful Spending

Despite promises to the contrary, the Democratic "stimulus" bill passed by the House this week will do little to create jobs for Americans.  The Democrat plan is full of wasteful spending and does not contain the infrastructure and job creating provisions that will help get our economic up and rolling again.  Instead of following the urgings of President Obama, House Democrats locked the door on Republican ideas for the stimulus legislation and turned a bill that could have created real jobs into a bill filled with wasteful spending on Democrat priorities that will do little to create real jobs.  Here are some links to information put out by House Republicans on the Democratic stimulus bill and job creating Republican alternatives:

Congressional Budget Office: Dems' Spending Plan Won't Lead to a Rapid Economic Recovery

House GOP Economic Recovery Alternative Will Create 6.2 Million New American Jobs

Non-Partisan CBO Confirms House Democrats’ Bill Tops $1.1 Trillion     

Transportation Committee Republicans on Stimulus: Where’s the Jobs?

Democrat Stimulus: Actual Job Creation is “Doubtful”

The American People Deserve Better than House Democrats’ Trillion-Dollar Spending Plan

Read the Text of the Republican Motion to Recommit, a plan to create jobs by investing an additional $36 billion in highways and an additional $24 billion in the Army Corps of Engineers while and reducing the overall costs of the bill by almost $104 billion.

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Posted by Brown Staff (01-30-2009, 09:53 AM) filed under Economy